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What is Trichotillomania and How Can We Help?

There are many potential causes of hair loss—and before you can take the necessary steps toward hair restoration, it’s important to determine all the underlying causes contributing to it.

Case in point: A number of men and women experience hair loss due to a condition called trichotillomania. What is this condition, and how can it be remedied? We treat many trichotillomania patients here at Raleigh Hair Concepts, and we’re quick to note that, no matter the severity of your hair loss, there’s always hope for hair replacement! But first, let’s get into a deeper understanding of what trichotillomania actually is.

Understanding Trichotillomania

Simply put, trichotillomania is a mental health disorder—one that involves the chronic urge to pull or twist hair.

Indeed, those who struggle with trichotillomania have a recurring impulse to pull hair from their scalp, eyebrows, or other areas of the body. They find it extremely difficult to stop, no matter how much it hurts or how much hair is lost.

As you might imagine, those who struggle with trichotillomania often have patchy hair loss on their scalp, and in some cases missing hair elsewhere on their body. What’s even more troubling is that, due to the violent nature with which this hair is ripped from the body, there can actually be scarring done to the follicles—which means the hair loss associated with trichotillomania can become permanent.

As for why this happens, it’s best to understand this condition as an anxiety disorder. The chronic hair pulling can be a way to manage with nervousness, stress, or the sense of being out of control. Some clinicians suggest that trichotillomania is a variant of obsessive compulsive disorder—one where the compulsion is to pull or twist one’s own hair.

Treating Trichotillomania

There are a few issues to discuss with regard to treatment. First and foremost, understand that trichotillomania is not just a matter of hair loss. It’s a serious anxiety disorder that can require clinical intervention; if you believe that you have this disorder, it’s important to speak with your doctor, who may recommend therapeutic modalities to address the underlying illness.

As for the lost hair, that’s something we can help with. Those who have trichotillomania tend to go to great lengths to disguise their hair loss, sometimes by perpetually wearing hats, head or even scarves. We want you to know that there are better ways to look and feel like yourself again.

If you catch the disorder early enough, you may benefit from scalp therapy. Using holistic topical solutions, we can restore the health of your scalp and follicles, and potentially avert some of the damage done by the hair pulling.

For those whose hair loss is more advanced, there are other options for hair restoration. Some women may benefit greatly from human hair extensions and toppers, which can give you back some volume and length and help you fill in those areas of patchy hair loss.

We recommend custom hair systems, which can provide comprehensive hair restoration. If this is the option you choose, we’ll build a hair system just for you—one that will fit comfortably, and without the need for surgical intervention. Your hair system can be cut, colored, and styled to provide the look you want, and it can also be integrated seamlessly with your growing hair.

Reach Out to Raleigh Hair Concepts

Trichotillomania is a serious condition, but its results don’t have to be permanent. Take the first steps toward total hair restoration today; reach out to our team in Raleigh, NC and schedule a FREE consultation.