Some men fear that, once their hair starts thinning, it’s never coming back. That doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, many men have found that a male hair system gives them the fullness and length they desire. We are proud to offer custom men’s hair systems here at Raleigh Hair Concepts in Raleigh, NC.
But how do hair systems for men work, exactly? Each system is personalized, made just for you—but generally speaking, they all begin with a super-thin, skin-like membrane, which is perfectly fitted to match your scalp. Into that membrane we can weave or insert individual human hairs; virgin hair, never bleached or processed in any way, is available. We can then color, cut, and style that hair however you like.
There are some major benefits to using a men’s hair system. For one, it looks natural. It’s easy to keep up with; you’ll just need to come visit us every few weeks, as you would for a regular haircut. And, we can design a hair system to match your lifestyle, even if that includes regular exercise.

CRLAB Hair Restoration System
CRLAB (formerly known as Cesare Ragazzi Laboratories) is world renowned for their technologically advanced hair replacement system, a non-surgical, dermatologically safe, and permanent technique for replacing hair. The CNC system can be used for full or partial replacement with this non-invasive procedure which restores hair seamlessly.
Soon after the CNC procedure, men can resume an active lifestyle including swimming and high-impact sports. The patented CRL procedure results in natural, healthy looking hair perfectly matched for thickness and color using genuine human hair.
A Second Scalp
The CNC System uses actual human hair non-invasively without surgery. A special polymer resin is used to construct a breathable base to match your natural hair distribution and the direction of growth. Additionally, hair from human donors is precisely matched for color and texture, and is then meticulously hand-sewn to this "second scalp".
The second scalp process begins with a scalp map of the area of hair loss created with a plaster-of-Paris mold. Once the precise contours of the client's scalp have been preserved, hair samples are collected for accurate matching. Parameters of the preserved scalp and hair samples are then shipped to CRLAB production facility in Bologna where 3D Printing Cam Scan technology recreates a precise scalp replica.
Dermatologically Tested Medical Adhesive
Dermatological testing at the Cosmetology Centre at the University of Ferrara showed that the CRLAB medical adhesive used to anchor replacement hair provides complete breathability for your scalp. The CNC system also has powerful antibacterial properties and is immune to weather changes.
This exceptional medical adhesive is the key for men looking for a hair replacement procedure which will allow them to resume an active lifestyle confidently. The breathability means you can work up a sweat without worrying about the effects on your new hair, so go ahead and work out strenuously. Swimming, skiing, and skydiving? The CNC system lets you enjoy all of these activities with confidence.
Custom Hair Grafts
You don’t have to settle for hair loss. Countless men throughout Raleigh, NC have discovered that total hair restoration is possible, and one of the best options is a custom hair graft. We are pleased to offer this and other men’s hair restoration systems here at Raleigh Hair Concepts.
Contrary to what you might think of when you hear the term hair graft, this is a totally non-invasive option. It employs a super-thin membrane that’s used to cover your scalp in the areas where you need new hair growth. Into that membrane we can graft human hair in whatever color and style you like. The result is a full, healthy head of hair that looks completely natural; we can even integrate it with the hair that’s growing naturally on your head.
Custom hair grafts provide you with a seamless hair loss solution that takes very little upkeep and can withstand even intensely athletic lifestyles. Most importantly, they can give you the look and the self-confidence you desire. To learn more, or to take a step toward getting a custom hair graft of your own, we encourage you to come see us in our studio space.
Schedule an Appointment
Raleigh Hair Concepts can provide a solution for you whether you're just beginning to experience hair loss, or your hair loss is complete. To determine which hair restoration solution is best for you Raleigh Hair Concepts can provide a free consultation. When you're ready to take charge of your hair loss once and for all, contact us.