What is Trichology?
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What is Trichology?

Have you ever wondered why some people’s hair grows to be long and thick, while other people’s hair always seems to be brittle or broken? Have you ever encountered a strange rash or dryness on your scalp? Or have you simply wondered about things you can do to promote healthier hair growth?

All of these are questions that can be answered by the field of trichology. Specifically, trichology focuses on the skin on your scalp, which includes your hair follicles. Trichology helps us to understand the causes of hair loss—and also, what can be done to enhance hair growth. Trichology is a vital part of what we do here at Raleigh Hair Concepts.

Trichology and Hair Growth

For your hair to grow, after all, it needs the right environment. It needs a scalp and hair follicles where conditions are optimal for a healthy growing/resting cycle. Trichology is all about understanding that cycle, and creating those conditions. Its function is to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

To put it all a little differently, trichology answers the why of hair loss. Clients who come to Raleigh Hair Concepts to meet with a trichology expert can get the answers they need this way. But it also answers the question of what next, providing a way forward to hair replacement and regrowth. Trichology can point you toward the hair replacement solutions that truly work, masking the effects of hair loss and helping you to look and feel like yourself again.

The Function of Trichology

Clients who come to Raleigh Hair Concepts can receive full trichological testing. This might involve a close anatomical scan of the scalp and hair, using special cameras and other instruments. It might also involve an evaluation of hair pH levels and other chemical factors.

Our aim is to better understand the physical quality of your hair, as well as to evaluate your natural hair growth cycles. Understand that your follicles alternate between resting and growing cycles, and that it is perfectly natural for up to 10 percent of your follicles to be resting at any given time. It’s when there is a disruption to this cycle—the rest period being elongated or the growth period being diminished—that hair loss occurs. Trichology helps us to understand this.

The data obtained through trichological testing can provide a clear sense of what’s causing hair loss—but also what can be done to avert it. From there, trichology-based solutions—such as scientifically formulated shampoos and conditioners, as well as scalp treatments and supplements—can be used to improve the health of the scalp, and thus the health of the hair. Trichology may point to other possible avenues of treatment, too—including laser hair therapy or simply hair replacement, like a hair replacement system.

Trichology and Your Hair

Through trichology, you can understand why you’re losing your hair—but not only that. You can also understand what you can do about it. And, even if you’re not currently facing hair loss, trichology can offer preventative steps, and ways to ensure your scalp presents a healthy environment for hair growth. Whether your worry is hereditary hair loss or the sudden appearance of a scalp allergy, trichology holds the solutions you’re looking for.

At Raleigh Hair Concepts, we believe in the importance of trichology, and we root everything we do in an understanding of the science. This empowers us to deliver real answers to our clients—and real solutions. All of our stylists are trained in trichology, and prepared to offer you answers that are backed by real science.

Trichology at Raleigh Hair Concepts

Learn more about our commitment to trichology, or schedule your own trichological evaluation. We think you’ll find the process to be helpful—and it’s also painless and non-invasive. We do all trichological evaluations in a private, comfortable, one-on-one environment. You’ll learn more about your own hair health, as well as possible hair replacement solutions from which you might benefit. Find out for yourself by joining us at Raleigh Hair Concepts today.